CIS 5490 Wireless Communications for Mobile Networks and Internet of Things

Short Description

Study today’s state-of-the-art wireless technology (4G LTE), next-generation wireless technology (5G NR), Wi-Fi technologies and the Internet of Things. You’ll build a simple IoT service with an IoT client device emulator and a real IoT server platform on the Internet.

Portfolio Building Course



CIT 5930 Introduction to Computer Systems and CIT 5950 Computer Systems Programming


This course covers today’s state-of-the-art wireless technology 4G LTE, the next-generation wireless technology, 5G NR, and Wi-Fi technologies. Internet of Things (IoT) and the network slicing technologies in the 4G and 5G mobile networks, which are the parts of the main drivers for 5G, and the Docker container and Kubernetes will be also covered. Students will use an end-to-end LTE and Wi-Fi application performance simulation platform to analyze network protocols and analyze the impact on end-to-end application performance over the wireless network. Students will also build a simple IoT service with an IoT client device emulator and a real IoT server platform on the Internet. The course starts with the fundamental wireless technology background and networking topics with hands-on projects to help students build a foundation for the course, and the course includes contemporary research paper readings, assignments to utilize the simulation platform and implementation projects. The simulation platform provides network protocol stacks and base source code.

Course Creators
  • Bongho Kim