Penn Engineering Online

Teaching and Learning Practicum (TLP)

The Teaching and Learning Practicum (TLP) provides high-performing Penn Engineering Online degree students the opportunity to gain additional skills in their field through practicing educational leadership and mentoring. The TLP program combines formal training with practical experience leading to a Teaching Practicum course on their transcript.

Program Benefits

Bolstering Your Profile

Teaching practicum will be on your transcript (EAS 5940: Teaching and Learning Practicum) and you can add soft skills to your resume that are highly valued by employers.


The TLP will provide you with the opportunity to connect with faculty, students, and experts in Teaching and Learning.

Education Benefit

Your tuition will be waived for one course per semester while enrolled in the TLP.


  • Open to all current Penn Engineering Online degree students, regardless of physical location
  • Must be in good academic standing and have received a B or higher in the course they will be supporting during the semester
  • Must be enrolled in 1 CU course in the semester student participates in the TLP
  • Requires a complete application and interview to be considered
  • Practicum duration: 1 semester 
  • Time Commitment: approximately 10-15hrs/week

Please note that admission to the TLP Cohort is limited.

Training Requirements

TLP participants must attend monthly seminars and networking events that cover the following topics:

  • TLP onboarding, training and practicum orientation (course specific)
  • Best practices in teaching and learning
  • Transferring your experience in the TLP to the job search and your future career
  • Supporting your fellow students and effective strategies for academic mentorship

Practicum Requirements

Over the course of a semester, TLP participants engage in the following activities:

  • Leading recitations: In these recorded live sessions, TLP participants will answer any questions that students may have, as well as help them deepen their general understanding of and exposure to the subject matter. It is mandatory that every TLP participant leads at least two recitations (1 hour in duration each) during the semester.
  • Attend virtual course staff meetings (1 hour each week)
  • Participate in virtual office hours: small group and individual (at least 1 hour each week)
  • Monitor and respond to student questions in the discussion forum based on a schedule, and ensure questions are answered within 24 hrs (1-3 hours each week)
  • Provide 1:1 support to struggling students as needed and directed by the instructor
  • Grade student work according to an established rubric, provide feedback, and upload grades to the platform (may not be required for classes that use graders)

Need To Know Details

  • The Teaching and Learning Practicum does not fulfill a degree requirement or earn any credit units toward a degree
  • Enrollment in EAS 5940 (Teaching and Learning Practicum) does not count towards Financial Aid enrollment requirements
  • Students will earn a mark of “S”-Satisfactory or “U”-Unsatisfactory. These marks will not impact GPA
  • Students may enroll in the TLP more than once. *Note: If a student earns a mark of “U”, they will be disqualified from future participation
  • Students will not receive a tuition waiver if they drop or withdraw from the course
  • Students utilizing scholarship funds for their tuition during a given semester may not participate in the TLP program (i.e., may not use scholarship funding and receive a TLP tuition credit in the same semester). Student Affairs advisors are happy to talk to students with further questions about this policy

Teaching and Learning Practicum Instructors

Dylan Fenton

  • Director of Education & Technology


Elizabeth Gillstrom

  • Associate Director of Instructional Design


For More Information Contact:

Kendall Reinisch

  • Instructional Operations Coordinator


Request Info