CIS 5530 Networked Systems

Short Description

This course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of networked systems, their protocols, and applications. Topics to be covered include: Internet architecture, network applications, addressing, routing, transport protocols, peer-to-peer networks, software-defined networks, and distributed systems.

Portfolio Building Course



CIT 5950 Computer Systems Programming; Data structures and basic probability. Course projects require knowledge of C/C++.


This course provides an introduction to fundamental concepts in the design and implementation of networked systems, their protocols, and applications. Topics to be covered include: Internet architecture, network applications, addressing, routing, transport protocols, peer-to-peer networks, software-defined networks, and distributed systems. The course involves regular quizzes, two large group-based networked systems implementation projects, and two written exams.

Course Creators
  • Boon Thau Loo