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Welcome to Penn Engineering Online! As an online graduate student at Penn, you are part of a dynamic community of peers, scholars, and practitioners who will help support and challenge you during your academic career. In this Handbook, we have laid out the policies and guidelines for the programs that will ultimately contribute to your success. Be sure to familiarize yourself with these policies and reach out to the program staff with any additional questions.

You can find information about the University of Pennsylvania’s accreditation on the Provost’s website as follows:

Policies and procedures are subject to change throughout the year at the discretion of the University of Pennsylvania and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Students must adhere to the policies in the most current version of the handbook.

Academic Calendar

Engineering Online students will follow all important dates on the Penn Engineering Online Academic Calendar. Note: Some dates are different from the University and School-level calendars.

Degree Conferral Statement

The online Master of Computer and Information Technology, online Master of Science in Engineering in Data Science, and online Master of Science in Engineering in Artificial Intelligence programs are offered by the University of Pennsylvania, an institution of higher education authorized to confer degrees and certificates conferring academic credit under applicable laws of the United States. Students who are interested in participating in these programs from countries other than the United States are advised that each jurisdiction may have its own laws and regulations governing online educational programs, and some jurisdictions may not recognize course credit or an online degree awarded by the University as satisfying local requirements for professional licensure, employment qualification, or other purposes. Before enrolling in these programs, prospective students should investigate their jurisdiction’s treatment of foreign online programs to ensure that participation in this program will meet their objectives.

Enrollment Requirements

Engineering Online students should review the degree requirements of the program to which they are admitted before they enroll in courses.

All students are required to be continuously enrolled in at least one course during the fall and spring semesters, except under the following circumstances:

  1. A student takes a leave of absence (LOA) from their degree program
  2. Student withdraws from the University and is no longer a student

Students who do not register by the course selection deadline, and do not request a LOA, will be withdrawn from Engineering and the University for zero enrollment after the course selection deadline for that term. Please note that the summer term is optional.

Course Units

Penn Engineering Online offers one (1) and half (0.5) course unit (CU) options. Both CU options operate the same, with a few exceptions:

  • 0.5 CU registrations are charged at 50% the current tuition and fees
  • 0.5 CU courses are seven weeks long– and may begin on Week 1 or Week 8. Please review the Penn Engineering Academic Calendar
  • 0.5 CU registrations may NOT withdraw from a course after the final day of the course

Course Unit Registration Requirement

Maximum enrollment for a master’s program is 4 course units per semester. A petition and satisfactory GPA (3.70 minimum) is required to take more than 4 course units in one semester. Tuition and fees are charged each semester per course unit.

Full- and Part-time Study

Engineering Online students may take between 0.5 and 4 course units each semester. The number of course units students take defines whether they are part-time or full-time for that semester. Full-time status is 3.0 course units or higher and part-time status is 2.99 course units and below.

Note: In order to be considered for federal financial aid, a student must be enrolled in a degree-granting program at least “half-time,” which is two or more course units per semester for Engineering Online students.

Concurrent Enrollment

Students enrolled in a Penn Engineering Online program may not be concurrently enrolled in any other University of Pennsylvania program.

Penn Engineering Online students may only register for Penn Engineering Online courses (SEAS courses with section numbers 501 and 502).

Technical Requirements

  • Internet – It is your responsibility to have and maintain internet access that permits you to receive and transmit information freely for the duration of the program. Penn is not responsible for any inability to access the program due to disruptions in your internet service, whether caused by technical problems, governmental or other third party actions.
  • Proctored Exams – A few times each semester, students will take proctored exams. Please see the system requirements for Honorlock which is the proctoring service used by the program.
  • We do not recommend using a computer provided by your work. Work computers may not provide students access to install important software, and corporate firewalls may prevent activities required by the program.
  • If you are looking to purchase a laptop or notebook: Laptop and Notebook Purchasing Guides

Academic Standing Requirements

Graduate students are required to maintain a minimum GPA throughout the graduate program and make satisfactory progress toward their declared program to remain in good academic standing. Master’s students are required to maintain a minimum (cumulative) GPA of 2.7 throughout the program, and must be completing the appropriate courses in accordance with their degree program. 

Graduate students not making satisfactory academic progress will receive an academic progress warning or be placed on academic probation. Those placed on probation will be contacted by an academic advisor and jointly create an academic plan to improve their GPA. In the absence of improvement in the subsequent semesters, students on warning or probation may be administratively withdrawn from their program and the University of Pennsylvania.

Students must adhere to the Time to Completion policy for their assigned degree or certificate program.

Note: Upon completion of degree requirements, if a student has not met the 2.7 cumulative GPA requirement, the Program will evaluate the student’s potential to graduate on a case-by-case basis.


The course instructor has full discretion with regard to assignment and course grading policies. Please see the individual course syllabi for details.

No course completed with a “D” or higher grade may be retaken unless the content is different.

Upon completion of the course, please note that grades posted in the online course gradebook are not the final grades for the course. Final grade will be published in Path@Penn.

Penn Engineering Online students are not permitted to take courses pass/fail (P/F).

GPA Scale

The GPA scale for Penn Engineering is as follows:

Course Incompletes, Retakes, NR, GR, and Failures

  • The mark of “I” is used to designate an Incomplete, “NR” for No Report (no grade submitted), and “GR” (student was not present in class though enrolled). Students cannot graduate with an “I,” “NR,” or “GR” on their transcript.
  • A grade of “F” cannot count towards course or degree requirements. If a student receives a grade of F, they must register for and take the same course again to receive a passing grade. Failed courses remain on the transcript and are included in the cumulative grade point average.
  • A student may not repeat a course already passed (D or better).
  • In rare cases and under special circumstances, towards the end of the semester an instructor may award an Incomplete “I” grade in which the student completes the course after the semester has ended. As with all grading decisions, Incomplete grades are at the discretion of the instructor. The following rules apply:
    • The incomplete course must be completed within one academic year (Spring/Fall) of being offered even if the student is still on a leave of absence (students on medical leave may have up to three semesters). If the course is not completed within this timeframe, the grade will be changed to “F”. The summer semester can be skipped since it is an optional term.
    • Once a student accepts a grade of “I” Incomplete, they can no longer withdraw (“W”) from that course.
    • Students must confirm with the program staff that they intend to complete an Incomplete course up to one week before the first day of the semester. If the staff has not received written confirmation by this date, the student will not be eligible to participate in completing the Incomplete that semester.

If the student chooses to opt out of finishing an Incomplete during the term, they must do so by notifying program staff before the drop period deadline (typically two weeks into the term) listed on the Penn Engineering Online Academic Calendar. Students can opt-out by notifying the program staff in writing.

Course Attempt Policy

Penn Engineering Online degree students are allowed a maximum of two attempts at the same course. All letter grades (A, B, etc.), including “W”, “I”, and “F” count as an attempt at a course. Under extenuating circumstances, a student may petition the program for a third attempt at a core course. Students in this situation must meet with their Student Success Advisor to begin the petition process.
If a student has maxed out their attempts at a “core” course, they will not be able to complete their degree.  See “Academic Standing Requirements” for more information.

Course Selection, Course Withdrawal & Auditing

Adding/Dropping a Course

Engineering Online students should refer to the Penn Engineering Online Academic Calendar for all important dates (note: these dates may differ from University and School-level calendars). The Course Selection deadline (Add Deadline) is the last day a student can add a course to their schedule in a given semester. The Course Drop deadline is the last day that a student can drop a course and receive a refund of tuition in a given semester. Courses dropped after the deadline will be subject to the course drop and course withdrawal policies (see chart below). Students must be continuously enrolled during the fall and spring semesters. If they are not registered for any courses in those terms, they must request a Leave of Absence to remain enrolled in the program.

TerminologyTime FrameFinancial ImpactAcademic ImpactProcess
Course DropTypically the first two weeks of term.100% Refund of Course Tuition and FeesThe course does not appear on the transcriptStudent via Path
Late Course DropTypically weeks three through six of term.50% Refund of Course Tuition and FeesThe course does not appear on the transcriptStudent via Path
Course Withdrawal PeriodTypically begins at week seven of the termNo Refund of CourseWithdrawn shows as a “W” on the transcriptStudent via Course Withdraw form
(approval needed)

Relevant Links:

Withdrawing from a Course

After the final Drop Deadline has passed in a term, a student may request to withdraw from a course by contacting the program staff for a Course Withdrawal request. The deadline to submit a Course Withdrawal request is listed on the Penn Engineering Online Academic Calendar *

Students are responsible for paying for Withdrawn courses; no refund will be issued for a Course Withdrawal. If you are on financial aid, we recommend speaking with your financial aid counselor before withdrawing to discuss how this will affect your financial aid package. Withdrawn courses DO NOT affect a student’s GPA calculation. 

Students must complete the following process to initiate a Course Withdrawal:

  1. Submit the Course Withdrawal form here:
  2. Schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor via the Knowledge Base. Attending an advising session is required as part of the course withdrawal process.

Once the Penn Engineering Online office approves the request for Course Withdrawal, the University Registrar’s office will finalize the request. The student will be notified via email when their withdrawal is complete. If the withdrawal is granted, a “W” will appear on the student’s transcript for the course.

*Note: Students registered in half-credit courses (0.5 CU) may not withdraw from a course after the final day of the course.

Course Withdrawal Limit

Penn Engineering Online degree students are not allowed to Withdraw (“W”) more than three times from any courses in their program (i.e., a student may have no more than three “W” grades on their transcript). Excessive course withdrawals impede a student’s academic progress. Students with three “W” grades or more on their transcript are subject to an administrative program withdrawal – see “Academic Standing Requirements” for more information.

Auditing a Course

Graduate students who wish to enroll in a course without earning a letter grade must register as an auditor. Auditors pay the regular tuition and fees but receive no academic credit for the course. Assignments and exams are not required if properly registered, and the instructor is notified. Audited courses cannot count towards a degree or certificate.  Once the audited course is completed, a grade of “AUD” will appear on the transcript. Penn Engineering Online students are only permitted to audit Penn Engineering Online courses. Students may not take audited courses again later for a letter grade.

Students who wish to register for a course as an auditor must reach out to their Academic Advisor. Students must be in good academic standing and be active in a Penn Engineering Online degree or certificate program. Students must inform their advisor of their intent to register for a course as an auditor by the Course Selection deadline (Add Deadline). Students who are approved to audit a course will be manually registered for the course by their advisor.

Leaves and Program Withdrawals

Leave of Absence (LOA)

Active Penn Engineering Online degree students may request a personal Leave of Absence (LOA) for up to two academic semesters during their program. The two semesters of LOA may be used consecutively or separately. Leaves may be used to tend to family, work, or other obligations beyond school. Time spent in military service or attending to medical concerns does not count toward personal leave limits. The summer term is optional, and students are not required to take leave should they take no summer courses. Students who have exhausted their allotted semesters of personal leave will be withdrawn from the program.


Note: Penn Engineering Online degree students who were admitted prior to Fall 2023 may request up to four semesters of LOA based on the leave policy at the time of their admission.


Students must complete the following process to have their LOA approved:

  1. Complete the LOA form in the Student Knowledge Base.
  2. Schedule an advising appointment with their Academic Advisor (visit “Connect with Student Support” in the Student Knowledge Base). 
  3. Meet with an advisor to discuss their leave and academic plan.


If a student requests a medical leave, they must submit the form found in the Student Knowledge Base. Medical documentation will be required by Student Health and Counseling when a student wishes to return to active status. We encourage students to discuss taking a medical leave of absence with their academic advisor (if possible). Note that Medical LOAs do not count towards the two-semester LOA limit.


While on leave, students forfeit access to the following Penn / Penn Engineering resources:

  • Course registration and active course materials
  • Obtaining a PennCard from the PennCard Center
  • Library resources (physical and digital)
  • Access to student-only areas of campus buildings
  • Student discount to Penn sports, arts, and student events
  • Access to Penn-licensed software and websites
    • Immediately: Zoom, Microsoft, Adobe, etc.
    • After one year: SEAS email, SEAS Google Account

Return from Leave of Absence (RLOA)

When students are ready to return after a leave of absence, they must submit the form found in the student knowledge base. The request must be submitted no later than thirty (30) days before the start of the semester the student wishes to return. (See the Penn Engineering Online Academic Calendar).

Once a student has been returned from leave, they will return to active status. Any accounts that were forfeited will be reinstated, and they may begin registering for courses (once registration opens).

We encourage students to discuss their return from leave with their academic advisor.

Note: If a student’s return from leave (RLOA) should be denied. The student may submit a written request to the student affairs team requesting an appeal or exception.

Withdrawal From the Program

A student may request to be Withdrawn from their degree or certificate program by accessing the Program Withdrawal Request form from the Student Knowledge Base.

Should a student withdraw from the program with any outstanding Incomplete (“I”), “GR”, or “NR” grades, those grades will be converted to an “F.”

Students who withdraw from their program will lose access to previously completed courses, access to student services, and access to student-only programs and websites.

We strongly encourage students to discuss a program withdrawal with their Academic Advisor.


Note: Students who withdraw must reapply for admission into Penn Engineering Online.

Administrative Program Withdrawal

All students are required to be continuously enrolled in at least one course during the fall and spring semesters, except under the following circumstances:

  • A student takes a leave of absence (LOA) from their degree program
  • Student withdraws from the University and is no longer a student

Students who do not register by the course selection deadline, and do not request a LOA, will be administratively withdrawn from Penn Engineering and the University for zero enrollment after the course selection deadline for that term. Please note that the summer term is optional.

Additionally, students may be withdrawn by the University or Program for Student Conduct, Academic Integrity, Academic Standing (i.e. low GPA), and/or Satisfactory Academic Progress violations (i.e., Course Attempts and Course Withdrawal Limits). Please see those policies for more information. 

Note: Students who are withdrawn must reapply for admission into Penn Engineering Online..

Transfer Credits

Penn Engineering Online degree students enrolled in their first semester may transfer up to two courses (with faculty approval) in order to fulfill program requirements. The course credit will be transferred in, not the course grade; credit transfers do not impact GPA.

Transfer courses must meet the following criteria in order to be approved:

  • Grade of B or higher
  • Courses must be graduate-level and taken as part of a Masters or PhD degree 
  • Courses must be completed prior to matriculation at Penn Engineering Online
  • Courses must be taken within five (5) years from the start of the Penn Engineering Online degree program

Tuition & Billing


Tuition and fees for Penn Engineering Online are based on course units. Students will pay each semester based on the number of registered course units. Students may also be required to purchase textbooks or supplies for a few of the courses in the program. Tuition and fees are posted as a guide and will be adjusted on a yearly basis. Current tuition amounts can be found here.

Students that need to withdraw from a course after the Course Drop Deadline date (or the Late Course Drop Deadline) are 100% financially responsible for that tuition; no refunds are given after the Late Course Drop Deadline.

Enrollment Deposit: The $300 deposit paid upon submission of your enrollment form is non-refundable. The $300 credit will be applied to the tuition bill for the second semester that you register for courses (e.g., if you begin classes in the fall semester, the credit will be applied to the bill for the spring semester).

Online students who are enrolled at least half-time will be eligible to apply for federal student loans. International students’ eligibility may vary depending upon their international status. “Half-time” is defined as taking at least two course units in a term.


Billing always occurs after course registration. Be sure to review the billing schedule for when bills are generated, as well as check the Student Financial Services payment system for bill due dates. Electronic bills or e-bills are sent from the University’s Student Registration and Financial Services (SRFS) Office to a student’s official email address on file and can be accessed through Penn.Pay. Please note that you will receive a notification when a bill has been generated but you will not receive a reminder when the bill is due.

Changes in registration after the second week of classes necessitate manual tuition adjustments. If you notice a mistake with your bill, please contact the program staff.

Ideally, a student’s bill should reflect all charges and all financial aid credits for the semester in question. Frequently, University and departmental financial aid awards are credited after the date of initial billing. When this happens, the bill reflects a higher debt than the student anticipated. The student’s first step is to check with their department to make sure the financial aid was credited. Students utilizing tuition benefits with questions should contact Students supported from outside the University should check directly with their sponsors.

The University will withhold diplomas at graduation when financial questions are unresolved. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of their outstanding balance and to resolve any problems that might arise.

Payment Options

Students can pay their student bill through four methods of payment:

  • Online through Penn.Pay
  • Through Mail
  • In Person
  • International Banks – By Wire Transfer

Please see the Student Financial Services website for more information on how to pay your bill.

Billing Schedule & Payment Plans

You can always find the current billing schedule on the SRFS website.

Payment plans are available for the fall and spring semesters.

Please note that Online students are not eligible for the University’s student health insurance plan.


MCIT Online

MCIT Online (Computer & Information Technology) Curriculum

MCIT Online students must complete six core course units and four elective course units. It is recommended that students take the core courses in sequential order. That said, students do not need special permission to take courses out of sequence so long as prerequisites and corequisites are followed.  Note that new students must take either CIT 5910 or CIT 5920 in their first semester. If a student chooses to take two courses in their first semester, they must select CIT 5910 and CIT 5920 if a student would like to take 3 courses in their first semester (CIT 5910, 5920, and 5930), we strongly recommend meeting an Academic Advisor beforehand to discuss their first semester schedule.

Course descriptions can be found on the MCIT Online course catalog.


Core Courses

-CIT 591 Introduction to Software Development
-CIT 592 Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
-CIT 593 Introduction to Computer Systems
-CIT 594 Data Structures & Software Design
-CIT 595 Computer Systems Programming
-CIT 596 Algorithms & Computation

Important notes regarding core courses:

  • When students have passed and completed 4 of the 6 core courses, they may register for electives so long as they have fulfilled the electives’ prerequisites.
  • If a student receives a W or an F in a core course, that course needs to be retaken.

Open Electives

MCIT Online students must also complete four graduate-level elective course units. A full list of electives can be found on the MCIT Online course catalog.

Course Waivers

A small number of MCIT Online students choose to waive out of a core course by taking and passing a waiver exam. Students who waive courses must still take 10 Penn courses total and a minimum of four of the six core courses at Penn. Students who do not pass a waiver exam are not permitted to retake it.

Independent Study

Independent studies are not available for MCIT Online students matriculating in Spring 2021 and after. Requests from students who matriculated before this date will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

All students are welcome to apply for volunteer or paid research assistant positions at Penn.

Time to Completion

The time to completion for all Penn Engineering Online degree students is within five years of matriculation i.e., the first term listed on the transcript. Note: MCIT Online students admitted before Fall 2023 who may need more than five years can request an extension via their advisor.

MSE-DS Online

MSE-DS Online (Data Science) Curriculum

Attention Spring 2025 Students: The tentative draft of the MSE-DS Online program is now available in PDF format. This draft outlines the curriculum and structure you will be following. Please note that this version is preliminary and will be finalized in the upcoming months. Further updates will be provided as available.

MSE-DS Online Degree Requirements for students enrolled Fall 24 and prior semesters: MSE-DS Online students must complete the curriculum shown below. Four core course units, four technical elective course units, and two open elective course units. Students can take the classes in their preferred order, provided they follow all prerequisites. If a student would like to take three (3) courses in their first semester, we strongly recommend meeting an advisor beforehand to discuss their first semester schedule.

Course descriptions can be found on the MSE-DS Online Course Catalog.

Core Courses (4 CUs)

  • CIS 5450 Big Data Analytics
  • CIS 5500 Databases & Information Systems
  • ESE 5410 Machine Learning for Data Science
  • ESE 5420 Statistics for Data Science
  • CIS 5150 Fundamentals of Linear Algebra & Optimization

Note: ESE 5420 or CIS 5150, but not both, must be taken as one of the four (4) core classes.

If a student receives a W or an F in a core course, that course needs to be retaken.

Technical Electives (Choose 4 CUs)

  • CIS 5210 Artificial Intelligence
  • CIS 5300 Natural Language Processing
  • CIS 5510 Computer & Network Security
  • CIS 5550 Internet & Web Systems
  • CIS 5810 Computer Vision
  • CIT 5820 Blockchains & Cryptography
  • ESE 5460 Principles of Deep Learning

Open Electives (Choose 2 CUs)

  • CIS 5470 Software Analysis
  • CIS 5490 Wireless Communications for Mobile Networks & Internet of Things
  • CIS 5530 Networked Systems
  • CIT 5950 Computer Systems Programming
  • CIT 5960 Algorithms & Computation
  • DATS 5750 Cloud Technologies Practicum
  • Or one of the core courses or technical electives

Note: MSE-DS Online students are waived from needing to complete CIT 5910, CIT 5920, CIT 5930, & CIT 5940 as pre-req requirements.

Course Waivers

MSE-DS Online courses are not eligible for waiving.

CIT 5950 Competency Exam

MSE-DS Online, Data Science Online Graduate Certificate, and Software Systems Online Graduate Certificate students can complete a CIT 5950 Competency Exam to enroll in courses with CIT 5950 listed as a prerequisite without needing to complete the CIT 5950 course. The competency exam is only offered once per semester. Students may attempt the exam only once. This exam is only for students who have prior experiences that cover all learning material taught in CIT 5950. This exam does not provide course credit toward any Engineering Online degree or certificate program.

Independent Study

Independent studies are not available for MSE-DS Online students. All students are welcome to apply for volunteer or paid research assistant positions at Penn.

Time to Completion

The time to completion for all Penn Engineering Online degree students is within five years of matriculation i.e., the first term listed on the transcript.

MSE-AI Online

MSE-AI Online (Artificial Intelligence) Curriculum

MSE-AI Online students must complete 7 core course units, 2 technical elective course units, and 1 free elective course unit. Students can take the classes in their preferred order, provided they follow all prerequisites. If a student would like to take three (3) courses in their first semester, we strongly recommend meeting an advisor beforehand to discuss their first-semester schedule.

Course descriptions can be found in the MSE-AI Online Course Catalog.

Core Courses (7 CUs):

  • CIS 5210 Artificial Intelligence (Must be taken in the first semester-cohort start class)
  • CIS 5300 Natural Language Processing and Generative Models
  • ESE 5410 Machine Learning for Data Science
  • ESE 5420 Statistics for Data Science
  • ESE 5460 Principles of Deep Learning
  • CIS 5XX0 AI Infrastructure – GPU Programming for Machine Learning (to be created) OR CIS 5550 Internet and Web Systems 
  • EAS 5XX0 AI Ethics

Technical Electives (Choose 2 CUs):

  • CIS 5530 Networked Systems
  • CIS 5810 Computer Vision 
  • CIS 5XX0 AI Practicum
  • Or one of the core courses

Open Electives (Choose 1 CU):

  • Any online EAS/CIS/ESE course 


Course Waivers

MSE-AI Online courses are not eligible for waiving.

Independent Study

Independent studies are not available for MSE-AI Online students. All students are welcome to apply for volunteer or paid research assistant positions at Penn.

Time to Completion

The time to completion for all Penn Engineering Online degree students is within five years of matriculation i.e., the first term listed on the transcript.

Dual Degree

MCIT | MSE-DS Online


Highly motivated Penn Engineering graduate students may apply for the dual degree with MSE-DS Online once they have graduated from their graduate degree program. Current students may apply during their final semester before graduation. Eligible students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and be in good standing with the University at the time of application. 

Penn Engineering students that meet the eligibility criteria will graduate from their Penn Engineering graduate program and matriculate as an MSE-DS Online student, transferring four (4) electives from their graduate degree program and taking six (6) additional MSE-DS Online courses resulting in two graduate degrees from Penn Engineering.

Application Process

Students will submit a short personal statement explaining their interest in the MSE-DS Online program. There is no application fee. Application form opening and closing dates are on the MSE-DS Online Dual Degree webpage.

Example Plan of Study for MCIT Students:

6 CUs: MCIT Core 

4 CUs: Approved, transferrable MCIT CUs that are relevant to MSE-DS Degree Online

6 CUs: MSE-DS Online remaining requirements

= 16 CUs Total


  • Consult an academic advisor about your plan of study. If you have taken an eligible course outside of MCIT, please consult with an Academic Advisor. MCIT Courses transferred to MSE-DS Online must be completed within five (5) years from the start of the MSE-DS program.
  • To graduate with the MSE-DS Online degree, a minimum of 6 CUs must be taken towards the degree. All 10 CUs counting towards MSE-DS Online must be taken at Penn.

Example plan of study for all other Penn Engineering graduate programs:

4 CUs: Approved, transferrable Penn Engineering graduate CUs that are required for the MSE-DS Degree Online

6 CUs: MSE-DS Online remaining requirements

= 10 CUs Total


  • Courses transferred to MSE-DS Online must be completed within five (5) years from the start of the MSE-DS program. If you have taken an eligible course outside of your Penn Engineering graduate degree, please consult with an academic advisor.
  • To graduate with the MSE-DS Online degree, a minimum of 6 CUs must be taken towards the degree. All 10 CUs applied towards the MSE-DS Online degree must be taken at Penn.

Time for Degree Completion

Once Dual Degree students matriculate into the MSE-DS Online Program, they must complete the degree within three years. If needed, they may take a leave of absence (LOA) during that time for a maximum of two semesters (Fall/Spring). Summer terms do not count against leave. Note that LOAs and time for degree completion will not carry over from any other degree programs.

MCIT | MSE-AI Online


Highly motivated Penn Engineering MCIT Online may apply for the dual degree with MSE-AI Online once they have graduated. Current MCIT Online students may apply during their final semester before graduation. Eligible students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and be in good standing with the University at the time of application. 

MCIT Online students that meet the eligibility criteria will graduate from their Penn Engineering graduate program and matriculate as an MSE-AI Online student, transferring four (4) electives from their graduate degree program and taking six (6) additional MSE-AI Online courses resulting in two graduate degrees from Penn Engineering.

Application Process

Students will submit a short personal statement explaining their interest in the MSE-AI Online program. There is no application fee. Application form opening and closing dates are on the MSE-AI Online Dual Degree webpage.

Example Plan of Study for MCIT Online Students:

6 CUs: MCIT Core 

4 CUs: Approved, transferrable MCIT Online CUs that are relevant to MSE-AI Degree Online

6 CUs: MSE-AI Online remaining requirements

= 16 CUs Total


  • Consult an academic advisor about your plan of study. If you have taken an eligible course outside of MCIT Online, please consult with an Academic Advisor. MCIT Online Courses transferred to MSE-AI Online must be completed within five (5) years from the start of the MSE-AI program.
  • To graduate with the MSE-AI Online degree, a minimum of 6 CUs must be taken towards the degree. All 10 CUs counting towards MSE-AI Online must be taken at Penn.

Time for Degree Completion

Once Dual Degree students matriculate into the MSE-AI Online Program, they must complete the degree within three years. If needed, they may take a leave of absence (LOA) during that time for a maximum of two semesters (Fall/Spring). Summer terms do not count against leave. Note that LOAs and time for degree completion will not carry over from any other degree programs.

Change of Degree Program

After completing 3+ CU’s (but no more than 6 CUs completed with a final grade) at Engineering Online in the original program for which a student was accepted and matriculated, Penn Engineering Online master’s students may request to be considered for a transfer to another Engineering Online master’s program by submitting the Master’s Online Program Change of Major form.

Please note the following:

  • Completed applications must be submitted no later than 2 weeks before the start of the desired starting semester (of new major). A student cannot request to change their program once they have completed 6 CUs at Penn Engineering Online.
  • Candidates are expected to have the appropriate background for the master’s program they are requesting to change their major to (i.e. have met the general admissions criteria of the program they wish to move to). Applications will be evaluated by both the original program and the new program leadership teams.
  • Each student is only allowed to submit one change of major application during their studies at Penn Engineering Online. Incomplete applications or those submitted after the deadline will not be reviewed. Submission of a Change of Major request does not guarantee approval.
  • This application only applies to Penn Engineering Online master’s program degree students requesting to change majors to another Penn Engineering Online master’s program.
  • A Change of Program does not reset a student’s Time to Completion or Leave of Absence allowances. Please discuss this policy with your advisor.

NOTE: The initial program transfer application will launch in August 2024. Students will be able to change programs at the start of the Spring 2025 term.

Online Graduate Certificates

Overview of Online Graduate Certificates

The Online Graduate Certificate from Penn Engineering is a for-credit credential that will produce an academic transcript and paper certificate. To earn a certificate, students can take a maximum of four (4) courses. Two of these four courses may be double-counted from your Penn Engineering degree program. Please visit the Online Graduate Certificates page to view the Online Graduate Certificate subject areas and curriculum

Students may earn a maximum of two certificates. No course may be triple counted, i.e., counted for more than two credentials.

Current Penn Engineering students may start the application for an Online Graduate Certificate during their last semester as a degree student and must graduate from their respective program before becoming an Online Graduate Certificate student. Go to the Online Graduate Certificates page for application dates and details.


Curriculum Note: Certificate students may complete a CIT 5950 Competency Exam to enroll in courses with CIT 5950 listed as a prerequisite without needing to complete the CIT 5950 course. The competency exam is only offered once per semester. Students may attempt the exam only once. This exam is only for students who have prior experiences that cover all learning material taught in CIT 5950. This exam does not provide course credit toward any Engineering Online degree or certificate program.



  1. Once a student has started and completed one CU as a Penn Engineering degree student, they are no longer eligible for any Online Graduate Certificate programs until they fully complete their degree.
  2. Students who begin an Online Graduate Certificate may be eligible to apply for a Penn Engineering Degree under the following conditions:
    • Have completed no more than two Online Graduate Certificate courses
    • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in the Online Graduate Certificate courses
    • Note: Students may NOT apply to a degree program after completing three or more Online Graduate Certificate courses.
  3. If a student does not complete an Online Graduate Certificate and would like to apply to the Dual Degree program, only 4 courses from your prior Penn Engineering graduate programs (degree or certificate) may transfer in. At least 6 MSE-DS Online must be taken as an MSE-DS Online student. Please review all Dual Degree policies for MSE-DS degree completion and double counting courses on the Dual Degree webpage.

Online Certificate Students are considered Penn Engineering Online students with access to university-level services.

Certificate Financial and Visa Information

  • Tuition information.
  • Certificates are not eligible for federal financial aid.
  • Since the certificate program is entirely online, the certificates will not be eligible for visa sponsorship or CPT/OPT cases.

Certificate Academic Standing and Grading

Students must earn a grade of B- or higher in their Penn Engineering courses to count towards the online graduate certificate. Penn Engineering courses that a certificate student wishes to transfer in must have been completed within five (5) years from the start of the certificate program. Students must maintain good academic standing (i.e., GPA of 2.7 or above) to graduate with a certificate. Students may be withdrawn from the Online Graduate Certificate program if they are not making sufficient academic progress.

Certificate Matriculation and Deferral

Students should apply for an Online Graduate Certificate when they are ready to begin certificate courses. If a student can not begin Certificate courses as planned, they may petition for a one-semester deferral. Students will only be given one semester of deferral; once that has expired, they will be required to re-apply for the certificate program. Certificate students must complete their Certificate program within (2) two years of starting certificate courses.

Certificate Leave and Withdrawal Process

While most individuals will complete the Online Graduate Certificate program within one year, students may choose to extend their studies. In this case, all Certificate requirements must be met within a maximum of two years.

Online graduate certificate students must be registered during each fall and spring term until all certificate requirements have been met. An online graduate certificate student may petition to take a leave of absence via the Student Knowledge Base. Please note that Certificate programs must be completed within two years

Students can withdraw from the Certificate programs by completing the Program Withdrawal Request form in the Student Knowledge Base.

Certificate Course Attempt and Course Withdrawal Limit

Online Graduate Certificate students are subject to and must follow the current Engineering Online policies regarding Course Attempts and Course Withdrawal Limits. If a Certificate student exceeds either policy, they are subject to administrative program withdrawal.

Certificate Time to Completion

Certificate students must complete their four course unit requirements within two years. 

Certificate Completion

All students who complete a certificate will receive a certificate of completion by mail. Certificates do not yield a University of Pennsylvania diploma.

Community Guidelines

One of the things we value greatly at Penn Engineering Online is our dynamic community of students, instructors, and staff. We cultivate a strong, open community that is respectful and supportive. Throughout the program, you will interact with people through various forms of written and verbal communication. The following community guidelines are important to keep in mind when communicating online:

  • Tone – Tone is a very important part of online communication. Before posting online, read your message out loud. Ask yourself if you would say this to a colleague or acquaintance in a face-to-face discussion. Avoid sarcasm, which can be hard to interpret online.
  • Professionalism – Make an effort to understand, respect, and support your fellow students. People have different perspectives – but everyone is here to learn and to learn from each other. Assume the best intentions when engaging with others. As this is an educational environment, remember to keep all language, conversations, and exchanges professional and respectful. 
  • Confidentiality – Do not share information about others and their experiences without their expressed permission to do so.
  • Non-judgemental  – We want our students to feel free to pose questions or ask others to share their thoughts or expertise. There are many backgrounds and experiences represented at Penn Engineering Online! Remember to be cautious in judging others for their thoughts, opinions, questions, or concerns. 

The following are communication tools that are used at Penn Engineering Online. Keep in mind that the Community Guidelines apply in all of these settings:

  • Slack (peer-to-peer communication)
  • Zoom (online meetings/office hours with faculty, staff, or TAs)
  • Ed Discussion Forum (course-related topics)
  • Email (peer-to-peer, faculty, staff, and University)
  • Canvas (and other course/grading tools)
  • Your program’s private LinkedIn group

University Policies and Codes of Conduct

The Pennbook contains policies that apply to all students at the University of Pennsylvania. You can refer to this resource throughout your time as a Penn student for important information. The two most important policies in the Pennbook are the Code of Student Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity. These two policies outline the general responsibilities of being a student at Penn. All students are expected to have read and understood both policies. Students can also refer to the Penn Engineering Student Code of Ethics.


If you are a victim of, witness, or are otherwise affected by unacceptable behavior:

If you are unsure which office to contact, please contact an instructor or any Penn Engineering Online staff member.

Disability information

Any student who has a disability and wishes to self-identify with the Office of Disabilities Services (DS) at the Weingarten Learning Resources Center, should complete the Self-Identification Form.  Submission of this form is the first step in the Self-Identification Process.  Any student requesting accommodations will also need to submit documentation of the disability to DS. Further questions should be directed to DS.

Grievance Procedures Guidelines

In general, a Penn Engineering Online student with a grievance should first discuss the matter with the immediate supervisor of the individual involved. In case of conflicts of interest, then the next non-conflicted level should be engaged. For academic matters the normal hierarchy is (as applicable): 

a) relevant course staff or advising staff;
b) relevant course faculty instructor;    
c) Graduate Program Director;    
d) Associate Dean;
e) Ombudsman.   

At any point, the student may wish to circumvent steps a-d and contact the Ombudsman directly. 

If a Penn Engineering Online student has a grievance concerning a non-academic matter, the suggested procedural steps should be discussed with (as applicable): 

a) Graduate Program Director;
b) Associate Dean;
c) Ombudsman.    

At any point, the student may wish to circumvent step a&b and contact the Ombudsman directly. 

Further information about the University grievance procedures policy can be found here.

Graduation process

Filing for Graduation

Once an Engineering Online graduate student has enrolled in the final course unit for their degree, they have reached their final semester and must graduate. Students cannot enroll in additional courses after that semester. To start the graduation process, the student will need to:

  1. Review their graduation information in Path@Penn to ensure their graduation date is accurate. If the date is not correct, they must contact the program staff to have it updated.
  2. Apply for Graduation. The graduation application will open based on the below schedule.

If students do not apply for graduation by the deadline, they will be put on ‘Leave Pending Graduation’ and will need to graduate the following semester. They will not be allowed to register for any courses while they are on Leave.

Generally, the  graduation application opens based on the below schedule:

  • May Graduation – Application opens in December
  • August Graduation – Application opens in May
  • December Graduation – Application opens in August

Commencement is held once a year in May.  The University and the School of Engineering invite students who graduate in May to attend commencement the year they graduate. Students who graduate in August or December may attend the May ceremony directly following or preceding their graduation.  Attendance is optional.

More information about the graduation process will be provided in the Graduation and Life After Penn course. Engineering Online students are automatically enrolled in this course after they have completed six course units.


Diplomas will be mailed approximately eight to ten weeks following the official degree conferral date by the Office of the Secretary.  Diplomas are issued three times a year: May, August, and December and are mailed in July (May graduates), October (August graduates) and February (December graduates).

The University will withhold diplomas at graduation when financial questions are unresolved. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of their outstanding balance and to resolve any problems that might arise.

Information on what happens to email accounts post graduation is found here.

Alumni Relations

As a graduate of the Penn Engineering Online community, you have access to a wealth of resources provided at the school and program level. Explore the resources at your disposal, as well as important information about ways to stay connected to the University of Pennsylvania community.


Useful Terms & Words

Certificate Student– A student enrolled in a Penn Engineering Online graduate certificate program (i.e., Software Sytems)

CohortA cohort is a group of students who work through a curriculum together to achieve the same academic degree together.

Course Staff- The people who support individual courses, including the TAs, TLPs, and Course Managers.

Course UnitA course unit (CU) is a general measure of academic work over a period of time, typically a term (semester or summer). A CU (or a fraction of a CU) represents different types of academic work across different types of academic programs and is the basic unit of progress toward a degree. One CU is usually converted to a four-semester-hour course.

Degree Student– A student enrolled in a Penn Engineering Online graduate degree program (i.e., MCIT Online, MSE-DS Online).

Instructor/ ProfessorYou Instructor is a faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania who is an expert in their field. They will be the primary leader of your course. 

PennCard- A University ID card showing your name and Penn ID number. There are two types of PennCards: a Non-Photo PennCard and a traditional PennCard which includes your photo and gives access to certain Penn buildings. All Engineering Online students will receive a Non-Photo PennCard. A PennCard can be obtained by visiting the PennCard Center on Penn’s campus.

PennKey- An individual’s username and the associated password in the PennKey Authentication System. You must register your PennKey before you can access any services that use PennKey authentication.

Penn ID number- A unique eight-digit number issued to Penn and UPHS affiliates. University offices frequently require a Penn ID for identification in situations where they formerly required an individual’s Social Security Number. PennCard users will find their Penn ID printed on their PennCard — it is the 8-digit sequence of numbers on the card. See also PennKey.

SemesterA half-year term in a school or college, typically lasting fifteen to eighteen weeks. At the University of Pennsylvania, we have the traditional Fall and Spring semesters and an optional Summer semester.

Teaching Assistant “TA”– Teaching Assistants are fellow students who have been hired to assist your professor. They will be available for office hours, grading assignments, and giving student feedback.

TLP – A fellow student participating in the Teaching and Learning Practicum (TLP) who supports the course with office hours, grading assignments, and giving student feedback.

You can find additional terms here.


Policies and procedures are subject to change throughout the year at the discretion of the University of Pennsylvania and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Students must adhere to the policies in the most current version of the handbook.

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