Fall 2023 Penn Engineering Online TA Awards
Congratulations to the Fall 2023 TA Award winners! These outstanding Teaching Assistants are being recognized for their hard work and dedication to the Penn Engineering Online Program and their commitment to providing a supportive learning environment for our students.

Justin Indelicato
Computer and Information Technology
Head TA for CIT 5910: Introduction to Software Development
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated

Hanxi (Gary) Chen
Networked and Social Systems Engineering
Head TA for CIT 5960: Algorithms & Computation
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated

Harrison Goosen
Computer and Information Technology
TA for CIS 5300: Natural Language Processing
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated

Christina Ferrari
Computer and Information Technology
Head TA for CIT 5910: Introduction to Software Development
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated

Michael Patini
Computer and Information Technology
Head TA for CIT 5930: Introduction to Computer Systems
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated

Yilin Guo
Computer and Information Technology
Head TA for CIS 5500: Databases & Information Systems
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated
As members of the Penn Engineering Online community, our Teaching Assistants provide exceptional educational experiences to students located around the globe. Learn more about the Penn Engineering Online Teaching Assistant program here.