Spring 2023 Penn Engineering Online TA Awards
Congratulations to the Spring 2023 TA Award winners! These outstanding TAs are being recognized for their hard work and dedication to the Penn Engineering Online Program.

Sowmya Sridharan, Data Science
Head TA for CIS 5500: Databases & Information Systems
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated

Abdul Sohu, Logic, Information, and Computation
Head TA for CIS 5500: Databases & Information Systems
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated

Meiyi Yu, Electrical Engineering
Head TA for ESE 5410: Machine Learning for Data Science
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated

Alexander Nikolov, Mathematical Economics
TA for CIT 5920: Introduction to Computer Systems
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated

Jimmy Li, Computer and Information Technology
Head TLP for CIT 5950: Computer Systems Programming
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated

Victor Lin, Data Science
Head TA for CIS 5550: Internet & Web Systems
Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated