October 18, 2023

Summer 2023 Penn Engineering Online TA Awards

Congratulations to the Summer 2023 TA Award winners!  These outstanding Teaching Assistants are being recognized for their hard work and dedication to the Penn Engineering Online Program and their commitment to providing a supportive learning environment for our students.

Thomas Pham

Computer and Information Technology

Head TA for CIT 5910: Introduction to Software Development

Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated

Enrique Vargas

Engineering in Data Science

Head TLP for CIS 5530: Networked Systems

Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated

Bibek Dahal

Computer and Information Technology

Head TA for ESE 5420: Statistics for Data Science

Award for Excellence in Student Support: Faculty Nominated

Sara Ordonez

Computer and Information Technology

Head TA for CIT 5920: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Systems

Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated

Nathaniel Hoaglund

Computer and Information Science

Head TA for CIT 5950: Computer Systems Programming

Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated

Jingya Zhang

Computer and Information Technology

Head TA for CIS 5500: Databases & Information Systems

Award for Excellence in Student Support: Student Nominated

As members of the Penn Engineering Online community, our Teaching Assistants provide exceptional educational experiences to students around the globe. Learn more about the Penn Engineering Online Teaching Assistant program here.