February 09, 2024

Admissions Webinar: MCIT Online Overview

On February 2, 2024 Penn Engineering Online hosted a webinar featuring Professor Brandon Krakowsky. Our Admissions Team welcomed Professor Krakowsky to speak with prospective students about the online Master of Computer and Information Technology (MCIT Online) program. Webinar participants also heard from Jacquie Panto, Associate Director of Admissions, about the many features of our collaborative online learning community and best practices for assembling a strong admissions application. Panto & Krakowsky also took time to address questions from prospective students. Watch now to learn more about how the MCIT Online program is expanding access to Ivy League computer science education through an interactive, innovative student experience.


Brandon Krakowsky

  • Lecturer, Department of Computer and Information Science
  • Director of Data Computing and Research Support, Wharton AI & Analytics Initiative

Email: lbrandon@wharton.upenn.edu

Jacquie Panto

  • Associate Director of Admissions

Email: jpanto@seas.upenn.edu