October 04, 2022

Admissions Webinar: Questions about MSE-DS Online with Associate Dean Loo

On September 19, 2022 prospective students joined Boon Thau Loo, associate dean of Penn Engineering Online, for an interactive webinar to learn more about Penn’s new online master’s program in data science (MSE-DS Online).

Loo opened the webinar with an overview of the program’s curriculum, faculty, job prospects and admissions requirements. Jacquie Panto, admissions recruitment manager, followed with an overview of the online student experience. Finally, Loo and Panto answered questions submitted by attendees.


Boon Thau Loo

  • RCA Professor, Department of Computer and Information Science
  • Senior Associate Dean for Education and Global Initiatives — School of Engineering and Applied Science
  • Director, Distributed Systems Laboratory

Email: boonloo@cis.upenn.edu

Jacquie Panto

  • Associate Director of Admissions

Email: jpanto@seas.upenn.edu