August 25, 2021

Exploring Tuition Reimbursement

A Master’s degree in Computer and Information Technology is one of the best investments you can make. It can pay off in higher salary, job security, and the rewards of a fascinating career. 

What’s more, our MCIT Online program is one of the most affordable options out there. At $3,500 per course unit including student fees (tuition and fees are subject to change), our tuition is much lower than those of other top graduate programs in computer science. And you can stretch out your investment by taking just one course at a time, or take two or more courses per term so that you may be eligible for federal financial aid. 

We also encourage you to see if your employer will pay for at least part of your tuition. Here’s how:

1. Find out if your employer has a formal tuition reimbursement program.

Many employers have policies in place to reimburse employees for tuition on degree programs that will increase your value to the company. The best way to find out is to ask your supervisor or someone in the human resources office.

For example, if you’re a University of Pennsylvania employee the policy manual has a section about tuition assistance for faculty and staff, and your employer might have a similar policy outlined in their employee handbook or HR guide. 

2. Explore professional development funds.

If your employer doesn’t have a tuition reimbursement program, you may be able to leverage professional development resources to earn your MCIT Online degree. Many companies set aside a certain amount of funding each year to support their employees in gaining new knowledge and skills. Why not apply those funds toward a master’s degree? 

3. Build your argument.

Whether you’re applying for tuition reimbursement or another source of funding, you’ll need to make a convincing case for your employer to fund your education. Think about how your new skills and knowledge will benefit your company, and be prepared to explain how you’ll make sure your classes don’t interfere with your job performance.

4. Present your case.

Once you’ve fleshed out your arguments, schedule a meeting with your supervisor or the HR team. As you detail your case for financial support, emphasize your interest in growing your career within the company and highlight the strong return on investment – for you and for your company – that an advanced tech degree can provide. 

If your employer agrees, you can work with our Financial Services team to define a third party payment contract that allows the company to commit to paying your educational expenses. 

5. Read the fine print.

If your employer agrees to help fund your education, make sure you understand the terms of the agreement. For example, some companies require employees to stay with the company for a certain period of time after completing the reimbursed education.

We’d love to tell you more about Penn Engineering’s MCIT Online program. Contact us, view one of our on-demand webinars, or sign up for an advising session with an admissions counselor. We look forward to hearing from you!